Wicca, Celtic & Viking

Beautiful collection of jewellery and objects from Celtic and Viking culture combined with utensils from the Wicca nature religion. Read more.

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Beautiful orogonite pendant with black tourmaline and a Hamsa hand. This orogonite purifies negative energy and converts...

EUR 9,95

Beautiful orogonite pendant with Lapis Lazuli and a Hamsa hand. This orogonite brings you back in balance.

EUR 9,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Beautiful orogonite pendant with carnelian and a Hamsa hand. This orogonite heals your aura.

EUR 9,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Beautiful orogonite pendant with aventurine and a Hamsa hand. This orogonite gives you a peaceful fealing.

EUR 9,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Wicca set with 7 black onyx stones, each engraved with symbols such as the Eye of Horus and Ankh for protection, wisdom,...

EUR 19,95

The Hot Stone Chakra Set includes 7 black lava stones, each marked with a chakra symbol, for relaxation and spiritual ba...

EUR 19,95

Moss agate gel pouch, handmade. This money bag will help you to improve your financial situation or gain a better unders...

EUR 49,95

Moss agate gel pouch, handmade. This money bag will help you to improve your financial situation or gain a better unders...

EUR 49,95

Moss agate gel pouch, handmade. This money bag will help you to improve your financial situation or gain a better unders...

EUR 49,95

Gel pouch of silver obsidian, handmade. This money bag will help you to improve your financial situation or gain a bette...

EUR 59,95

Gel pouch of silver obsidian, handmade. This money bag will help you to improve your financial situation or gain a bette...

EUR 59,95


Wicca is a nature religion based on the harmony of nature. Its adherents call themselves witches or Wiccans and aspire to a natural and spiritual way of life. Wicca ideas are based on a mixture of Christian religion and old European mythology. The cycle of nature and the seasons play an important role.


The Celts were a group of tribes with their own culture. Before the rise of the Romans, they populated large parts of Europe. They shared a religion with many gods, goddesses, witches, giants and fabulous beasts which can best be described as a nature religion. They shared many traditions and celebrations and with their advanced metalwork, they shaped Celtic culture.


The famous medieval warriors from the Scandinavian countries are known as Vikings or Normans. These wanderlust people were true world travelers. They sailed from America to Baghdad. Ships logically formed an important part of their culture, but religion, too, with well-known gods such as Odin and Thor, was a permanent feature of the community. This is also reflected in the artefacts found from this period.

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