Products tagged with mediteren

Approximately 14.2 million years ago, a meteorite impact formed moldavite, a stone known for its intense energy and conn...

EUR 139,95

Approximately 14.2 million years ago, a meteorite impact formed moldavite, a stone known for its intense energy and conn...

EUR 139,95

Approximately 14.2 million years ago, a meteorite impact formed moldavite, a stone known for its intense energy and conn...

EUR 129,95

Moldavite pendant, handmade in the Czech Republic. Green tektite and rare stone with high vibration that merges terrestr...

EUR 189,95

Approximately 14.2 million years ago, a meteorite impact formed moldavite, a stone known for its intense energy and conn...

EUR 89,95

Moldavite pendant, handmade in the Czech Republic. Green tektite and rare stone with high vibration that merges terrestr...

EUR 189,95

Very special fluorite that changes from green to purple under the UV radiation of daylight! A fantastic phenomenon that ...

EUR 199,95

Approximately 14.2 million years ago, a meteorite impact formed moldavite, a stone known for its intense energy and conn...

EUR 129,95

Approximately 14.2 million years ago, a meteorite impact formed moldavite, a stone known for its intense energy and conn...

EUR 149,95

Willemite is a mineral valued for its unique fluorescence under short-wave UV and variety of colours. It is named after ...

EUR 29,95

Very special fluorite that changes from green to purple under the UV radiation of daylight! A fantastic phenomenon that ...

EUR 189,95

Very special fluorite that changes from green to purple under the UV radiation of daylight! A fantastic phenomenon that ...

EUR 249,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 69,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 69,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 39,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 49,95

Very special fluorite that changes from green to purple under the UV radiation of daylight! A fantastic phenomenon that ...

EUR 179,95

Beautiful green prehnite known as the stone of unconditional love.

EUR 19,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 19,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 59,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 79,95

Very special fluorite that changes from green to purple under the UV radiation of daylight! A fantastic phenomenon that ...

EUR 59,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 139,95

In its pure form, fluorite is colorless, but depending on the trace elements, fluorite can have different colors. For ex...

EUR 49,95
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