Products tagged with fossielen

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaur. This Dinosaur could be up to 15 meters long!

EUR 39,95

Fossil plant found in Solnhofen Germany about 150 million years old. Belongs to the fossil genus Brachyphyllum nepos. A ...

EUR 89,95

Baltic Amber, amber, with insect inclusion 44 million years old. Amber is fossilized resin from coniferous trees.

EUR 129,95

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaurus. This dinosaur could grow up to 15 meters long!

EUR 29,95

Phacops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 149,95

Fossil sea urchins from the closed limestone quarry in Lixhe Belgium. Between 66 and 72.1 million years old (Late Cretac...

EUR 19,95

A beautiful tooth of the Mosasaurus, a saurian that inhabited the seas in the late Cretaceous (71.3-65.4 million years a...

EUR 29,95

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaurus. This dinosaur could grow up to 15 meters long!

EUR 129,95

The orthoceras lived about 400 million years ago and is the forerunner of our current squid.

EUR 39,95

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaurus. This dinosaur could grow up to 15 meters long!

EUR 129,95

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaurus. This dinosaur could grow up to 15 meters long!

EUR 89,95

Fossil Sea Urchin or Sand Dollars. 150 million years old.

EUR 19,95

This tooth belongs to the extinct Megalodon shark. This giant could reach 18 meters!

EUR 89,95

Original arrowhead over 30,000 years old from Atérien. Found in Algeria and made of flint or Silex.

EUR 14,95

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaurus. This dinosaur could grow up to 15 meters long!

EUR 99,95

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaur. This Dinosaur could be up to 15 meters long!

EUR 39,95

Metacanthina trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobite...

EUR 129,95

Baltic Amber, amber, with insect inclusion 44 million years old. Amber is fossilized resin from coniferous trees.

EUR 149,95

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaur. This Dinosaur could be up to 15 meters long!

EUR 29,95

Morocops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites be...

EUR 129,95

Fossil fish Dastilbe Brazil, 125 milion years old.

EUR 9,95

Drotops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 129,95

Teeth of the largest land predator that ever lived! The Spinosaurus. This dinosaur could grow up to 15 meters long!

EUR 99,95

Fossil fish Dastilbe Brazil, 125 milion years old.

EUR 7,95
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