Orthoceras 1565 grams
Orthoceras 1565 grams

Orthoceras 1565 grams

EUR 29,95

The orthoceras lived about 400 million years ago and is the forerunner of our current squid.

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Product description

The orthoceras lived about 400 million years ago and is the forerunner of our current squid.

Prehistoric straight horn

Orthoceras means 'straight horn' referring to the long straight shell of the animals. The soft part was in the shell and with its protruding tentacles it could move. When the creature died, the shell would sink to the bottom where it was covered by sediment, causing the shell to fossilize and be preserved for us even after 400 million years.

Related to the squid

The Orthoceras was related to today's squid and could also spray ink for defense. They were found all over the world. The most beautiful orthoceras are found in the Atlas Mountains, just like this one.

Product information
Article code ort80
EAN 8784765473768
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