Heliolite or sunstone is a stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange glittering it is not difficult to guess how this stone got its name. Read more.
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Heliolite or sunstone is a positive stone with a long history. With its beautiful orange shimmers, it's not hard to gues...
Plagioclase feldspar
Heliolite is known by the name sunstone. The scientific name is plagioclase feldspar and is related to moonstone and labradorite. The orange colors in this stone are caused by the presence of hematite and goethite crystals. These minerals also provide the orange glittering. It is because of these colours that the stone has been given the name 'sunstone'.
Journey to the Walhalla
The name Heliolite was given to the stone in 1801 by the mineralogist Jean-Claude Delamétherie. A combination of the Greek words 'helios' (sun) and 'lithos' (stone). The ancient Greeks already connected the stone to the god of the sun. The stone was worn as an amulet for happiness, prosperity and wealth. It has also been found in the tombs of the Vikings. Heliolite would help with the journey to the Walhalla.
Working of sunstone
Sunstone is a positive stone that helps to see the sunny side of life. It reduces gloomy thoughts and helps to look positively to the future. It is a pleasant stone to work with for healing or gemstone therapy.