Scolecite, a purifying mineral from India

Scolecite is a purifying mineral with both a piezo and pyroelectric effect. It is the ideal stone for relaxing and generating lucid dreams. Read more.

Scolecite is a purifying mineral with both a piezo and pyroelectric effect. It is the ideal stone for relaxing and gener...

GBP 50.10

Scolecite is a purifying mineral with both a piezo and pyroelectric effect. It is the ideal stone for relaxing and gener...

GBP 50.10


Scolecite is a hydrated calcium-aluminium silicate that belongs to the zeolite family. The mineral is mainly white or translucent but can contain shades of yellow, pink, green or brown. Scolecite has the ability to remove heavy metals from polluted water. For example, this mineral can filter copper, chromium, lead, nickel, manganese, cadmium and zinc.

Pyroelectric worm

Scolecite is both piezoelectric and pyroelectric. Piezoelectric means that an electrical voltage is created when the crystal is deformed. This effect is also seen in quartz. Pyroelectric means that an electric voltage is generated when heated. This is how the mineral got its name. Scolecite is derived from the Greek word for worm: 'Skolex'. When a scolecite crystal is heated with a gas burner, it curls up like a worm.

Inner peace

Scolecite is the stone of "inner peace", and is the perfect remedy for anyone who wants to relax after a long busy day. Scolecite allows for intensely lucid dreams and helps to remember them. Scolecite harmonises well with other high frequency stones such as Phenakite, Danburite and Moldavite.

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