The rarest and most beautiful minerals on Earth

Collection of the rarest and most beautiful minerals the Earth has to offer. These are the real collector's items among minerals and crystals. Read more.

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Cuprite from the Rubtsovsk Mine is known for its rare, well-formed crystals. The mineral has a metallic luster. Spiritua...

EUR 29,95

Cuprite from the Rubtsovsk Mine is known for its rare, well-formed crystals. The mineral has a metallic luster. Spiritua...

EUR 29,95

Emerald is one of the most famous gemstones in history, popular for centuries for its beautiful green color.

EUR 49,95

Cuprite from the Rubtsovsk Mine is known for its rare, well-formed crystals. The mineral has a metallic luster. Spiritua...

EUR 29,95

Emerald is one of the most famous gemstones in history, popular for centuries for its beautiful green color.

EUR 49,95

Emerald is one of the most famous gemstones in history, popular for centuries for its beautiful green color.

EUR 49,95

Emerald is one of the most famous gemstones in history, popular for centuries for its beautiful green color.

EUR 49,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 29,95

Emerald is one of the most famous gemstones in history, popular for centuries for its beautiful green color.

EUR 49,95

Emerald is one of the most famous gemstones in history, popular for centuries for its beautiful green color.

EUR 49,95

Emerald is one of the most famous gemstones in history, popular for centuries for its beautiful green color.

EUR 49,95

Emerald is one of the most famous gemstones in history, popular for centuries for its beautiful green color.

EUR 49,95

Very special fluorite that changes from green to purple under the UV radiation of daylight! A fantastic phenomenon that ...

EUR 199,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 59,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 259,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 49,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 59,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 29,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 49,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 39,95

Beautiful dendritic crystals from native silver. Discover the beauty of nature and the spiritual cleanser of crystals.

EUR 89,95

More than 4,000 minerals

The Earth is rich in minerals. There are no less than 4,000 different minerals known on our planet. Some occur in large quantities, such as quartz and calcite. Others are very rare and can only be found in a few places or in small quantities. Examples of these rare minerals are jeremejevite and red beryl.

Rare and rare beauty

In this category the rare or very rare minerals have been collected. And here you can also find the minerals with a rare beauty like the coloured tourmalines from Afghanistan. A category to wonder at the rare beauty the Earth has to offer. Pay attention to the size! Most pieces are smaller than 1 cm!

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