Preseli Bluestone, Stonehenge dreamstones

Preseli bluestone is the dream stone from Wales that was also used for the construction of Stonehenge. Read more.

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95

Preseli Bluestone has the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring.

EUR 19,95


Preseli Bluestone is of the same composition as the Stonehenge inner ring. The stones come from the Preseli Mountains in Wales. Despite what the name suggests, the bluestone is mainly green in color. 


Preseli Bluestone is a mixture of dolerite, ilemite, hematite and titanium oxides. It is a very heavy stone and harder than granite. Besides the fact that this type of stone was used for the Stonehenge World Heritage, prehistoric axes of Presili bluestone have also been found. 

Dream stone

Preseli Bluestone is seen in the spiritual world as a dream stone that has access to spiritual information. An old stone with multidimensional access. A stone that can bring you to the underworld as well as to the upperworld.

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