Nephrite Jade

Nephrite jade is a beautiful green mineral that lends itself well to processing and is ideal for taking on your physical, mental or spiritual journey. Read more.

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Historical use of jade

Nephrite is a green mineral that, together with jadeite, belongs to the jade group. Since ancient times it has been a popular mineral for decorative objects and tools. Already in Babylon magical objects were made of it, and in China it was very popular in religious ceremonies. The green stone was already known in Central America long before the arrival of Columbus. Due to its toughness, the stone is easy to work with.

Correct name

Nephrite is the most common jade mineral. Jadeite is much rarer. The name is derived from the Greek word "nephros", which means "kidney". This is due to the nephrite pebbles, which can have a kidney-shaped appearance. Nowadays, serpentine is also offered as jade. It is sometimes called "China jade", but this designation is not correct. Serpentine does not belong to the jade family. Read here more about serpenite.

Take nephrite with you on your travels

Nephrite jade is a beautiful stone for travel. Think of a physical journey, but also an emotional, mental or spiritual journey. Nephrite helps to recognise negative energies and transform them into positive ones. It is also a good aura cleanser. Nephrite brings calm and serenity when life is hectic.

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