The blue gemstone from the Dominican Republic

Larimar is an extremely rare mineral found only in the Dominican Republic. It is also known as the Altlantis stone Read more.

Larimar is an extremely rare mineral found only in the Dominican Republic. It is also known as the Altlantis Stone

EUR 89,95

Larimar is an extremely rare mineral found only in the Dominican Republic. It is also known as the Altlantis Stone

EUR 179,95

Larimar is an extremely rare mineral found only in the Dominican Republic. It is also known as the Altlantis stone

EUR 29,95

Larimar is an extremely rare mineral found only in the Dominican Republic. It is also known as the Altlantis stone

EUR 14,95

Larimar is an extremely rare mineral found only in the Dominican Republic. It is also known as the Altlantis stone

EUR 29,95

Larimar is an extremely rare mineral found only in the Dominican Republic. It is also known as the Altlantis stone

EUR 29,95

Larimar is an extremely rare mineral found only in the Dominican Republic. It is also known as the Altlantis stone

EUR 29,95

Blue pectolite

Larimar is a rare mineral. It is a blue version of the white Pectolite. Pectolite is a sodium-calcium silicate. In Larimar the calcium has been replaced by cobalt. This gives it its typical sea blue color.

Very rare mineral

Larimar is extremely rare and is only found in the Dominican Republic in the mountain range of Sierra de Baoruco. In 1916 a blue mineral was mentioned for the first time, a mining permit to exploit the stone was rejected. In 1974 Larimar was rediscovered and named after the discoverer's daughter (Larissa).

Atlantis stone

Because of its colour and location, Larimar is also called the Atlantis or Dolphin stone. Some people believe that the Dominican Republic is a remaining part of Altantis. Larimar helps to overcome negative emotions such as fear, anger and jealousy and makes place for inner peace.

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