Double terminated crystals are crystals with two crystal points. These may be formed by nature or cut into this shape. The energy flows in two directions through these crystals. Read more.
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Double ends are crystals with two crystal points. These can be shaped by nature or cut to this shape. The energy flows i...
Naturally formed and cut
Crystals with crystal points on both sides are called double terminated crystals. These can be formed this way in nature, think for example of Herkimer Diamonds. However, crystals and minerals are also cut in a double terminated shape. This can even be done with minerals that normally do not form double crystals such as lepidolite. Often you will see that the naturally formed crystals have a more irregular shape with more deviating points that the cut crystals.
Energy in both directions
With double terminated crystals the energy flows in both directions. One point is used to take in the energy, transform it, and send it out through the other end. Ideal for Reiki practitioners to cleanse and balance the chakras. Or for on a crystal grit to maintain a high energy level for an extended period of time.
Unique Properties
Each crystal has its unique properties. For example, a rock crystal can bring balance, cleanse and balance the auras. Rose quartz is ideal for cleansing the heart chakra through the pure and unconditional energy of love and amethyst can be used to connect with the spiritual world through the high frequency energies. For a more detailed description of each crystal and how it works, click on 1 of the double terminated crystals.