Diopsite, an emerald green gemstone

Beautiful green mineral created by volcanic eruptions. Diopside often occurs together with diamonds. Read more.

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Formation in Volcanic Pipes

Diopside is a green to dark green mineral that forms in volcanic pipes. The green color is due to the presence of chromium. The bright green and transparent diopside from Siberia is one of the most popular varieties.

Indicator for Diamonds

Diopside is also popular among diamond seekers because it serves as a good indicator of the presence of diamonds. Both minerals form in the same volcanic pipes, but diopside's green color makes it easier to spot. Diopside has already led to diamond discoveries in the USA, Canada, and Africa.

Effects of Diopside

Diopside brings balance, joy, and contentment. It helps put unresolved matters from the past into perspective and control intense emotions. It also protects against negative influences from others.

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