Cordierite and iolite

Cordierite is a pleochroic mineral with blue-violet hue, known in gemology as iolite. It promotes willpower, motivation and positive change Read more.

Cordierite is a pleochroic mineral with blue-violet hue, known in gemology as iolite. It promotes willpower, motivation ...

EUR 9,95

Cordierite is a pleochroic mineral with blue-violet hue, known in gemology as iolite. It promotes willpower, motivation ...

EUR 9,95

Cordierite is a pleochroic mineral with blue-violet hue, known in gemology as iolite. It promotes willpower, motivation ...

EUR 19,95

A Pleochroic Mineral with a Blue-Violet Hue

Cordierite is a silicate mineral found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. It has a blue to violet hue and is one of the most strongly pleochroic minerals. Pleochroism is the phenomenon where materials appear to have different colours when viewed from different directions. Transparent cordierite (iolite) can be both blue and yellow from different angles.

Iolite or cordierite?

The name "Cordierite" is used by geologists to refer to the mineral. In gemology, they call the transparent variant of Cordierite "iolite". Two older names for the mineral are "dichroite" and "water sapphire". The name dichroite means "two-coloured stone" and is inspired by the pleochroic property of Cordierite. The name watersapphire is also related to pleochroism. It was used because a specimen could have the colour of a sapphire when viewed from one direction, but if the stone was turned, it could be as clear as water.

The Power of Cordierite: Strengthening Willpower and Positive Changes

Cordierite helps to strengthen your willpower and motivation. It is an excellent stone to make targeted changes in your life and break old, deeply ingrained patterns. Cordierite brings order out of chaos and gives you a sense of self-confidence in your own abilities and the decisions you make. The stone helps you turn a negative outlook on life into a positive one, with the realisation that you create your own happiness through positive thoughts.

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