Sea blue gemstone

Aquamarine is the Sea blue variant of Beryl. For centuries a beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers. Read more.

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 29,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 19,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 69,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 49,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 59,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 139,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 29,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 139,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 14,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 119,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 24,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 49,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 99,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 69,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 49,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 139,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 179,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 99,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 129,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 139,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 79,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 89,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 79,95

Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.

EUR 129,95

Emerald Family

Aquamarine is a variety of beryl. Green-blue to light blue beryl are called aquamarine. From the same family are: the emerald (green) and the gold beryl (yellow). In Christianity, the aquamarine is associated with Mary and images are often adorned with this gemstone. The Aquamarine on this page is from Brazil and has its natural crystal shape.

Mermaid Legend,

The name aquamarine comes from the Latin words: 'Aqua Marinus' meaning 'Water of the Sea'. A very suitable name for a mineral that carries the colors of the ocean. The legend says that Aquamarine came from mermaids and would lead to unconditional love. Seafarers carried the stone to protect themselves during their dangerous travels. They also believed that the stone would help against sea sickness.

Aquamarine meanings

From aquamarine it is supposed that it helps to speak. This can be speaking in public or helping to express yourself. It is also an ideal travel stone and helps with fear of flying or water. Aquamarine as a love stone is the helper in finding harmony between persons.

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