Amethyst, from calming properties to deep transformations

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clarifying properties and can help with decision making, anger management and overcoming addictions. Read more.

Beautiful deep purple amethyst cluster from Uruguay with at least one flat side, allowing it to be displayed beautifully...

EUR 39,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 29,95

Beautiful deep purple amethyst cluster from Uruguay with at least one flat side, allowing it to be displayed beautifully...

EUR 59,95

Beautiful deep purple amethyst cluster from Uruguay with at least one flat side, allowing it to be displayed beautifully...

EUR 39,95

Beautiful deep purple amethyst cluster from Uruguay with at least one flat side, allowing it to be displayed beautifully...

EUR 39,95

Rainbow aura or Aqua aura is a crystal that has been treated with a gold infusion. It works as an aura cleanser with a p...

EUR 29,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 29,95

Beautiful deep purple amethyst cluster from Uruguay with at least one flat side, allowing it to be displayed beautifully...

EUR 59,95

Beautiful deep purple amethyst cluster from Uruguay with at least one flat side, allowing it to be displayed beautifully...

EUR 49,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 49,95

Rainbow aura or Aqua aura is a crystal that has been treated with a gold infusion. It works as an aura cleanser with a p...

EUR 29,95

Beautiful deep purple amethyst cluster from Uruguay with at least one flat side, allowing it to be displayed beautifully...

EUR 39,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 39,95

Rainbow aura or Aqua aura is a crystal that has been treated with a gold infusion. It works as an aura cleanser with a p...

EUR 29,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 29,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 12,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 19,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 29,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 19,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 39,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 19,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 39,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 29,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clar...

EUR 49,95

What is Amethyst?

Here you will find beautiful pieces of amethyst originating from various locations, including Uruguay, Brazil, and South Africa. Amethyst is a purple variant of quartz that obtains its distinctive color from the presence of iron, which turns purple under the influence of gamma radiation. This natural process takes a lot of time and often results in both dark and lighter shades within a single crystal.

Not Drunk

Amethyst means 'not intoxicated' and is derived from the ancient Greek word 'Amethystos'. The ancient Greeks believed that this crystal could protect them from drunkenness, and that wearing amethyst would prevent intoxication. Another explanation is that the high lords drank water from an amethyst cup to disguise that it contained no wine.

Color Variations and Geographic Distribution

The color variations of amethyst range from light lavender to deep purple, sometimes with secondary red or blue hues. The most valued amethyst has a deep purple color and is often found in Siberia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and Uruguay. Amethyst has a broad geographic distribution, with major production areas in Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Zambia, and Ontario, Canada. In Brazil and Uruguay, large amethyst geodes are often found in volcanic rocks.

Heating of Amethyst

Amethyst can lose its color when exposed to heat. When heated above 300 degrees Celsius, the crystal can turn yellow or brown, which is sometimes incorrectly sold as citrine. Moreover, exposure to sunlight and UV radiation can cause the crystal to fade slowly. Therefore, it is important not to place amethyst outside or expose it to direct sunlight.

Historical Significance

The historical significance of amethyst dates back far. Besides the ancient Greeks and Romans, European soldiers in the middle ages wore amethyst amulets for protection in battle, believing the stone had healing powers. In modern times, amethyst is still valued and is often used in jewelry and for spiritual purposes.

Clarifying Amethyst

Amethyst is known for its calming and clarifying properties, making people feel comfortable, grounded, and comforted. It helps in centering emotions and processing grief or loss. Amethyst promotes deep transformations in our lives and assists in decision-making, finding inspiration, and creating space for courage and peace. It is also a suitable stone for tempering anger and supporting family and relationship dynamics. In cases of addiction, amethyst can help clear the mind and overcome the addiction.

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