Campo del Cielo stardust
Campo del Cielo stardust

Campo del Cielo stardust

EUR 9,95

Real stardust from the Campo del Cielo meteorite from Argentina. The stardust stays on a magnet, creating this unique shape.

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Product description

Sawing the Campo del cielo meteorite

This box contains the remains of meteorites after they have been sawn and grinded. This fine fabric is called 'stardust' because it is an extraterrestrial material. It contains the remains of the Campo del cielo iron meteorite. These were obtained after sawing the meteorite. Iron meteorites are often cut into slices to reflect the internal structure that can be obtained by etching.


The box has a size of 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm and is equipped with a magnet with the stardust around it. The magnet provides the unique shape that the stardust takes on.

Product information
Article code SD1
EAN 8784765040007
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