Beautiful obsidian
Beautiful obsidian
€24,95 €9,95

Beautiful obsidian

EUR 9,95
EUR 24,95

Obsidian, this stone brings you insight and acceptance of the dark part of your character.

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Product description

Versatility of obsidian

Obsidian is a natural glass that forms when viscous lava cools quickly and contains little water. It is typically black in color with a vitreous sheen. Due to various inclusions, obsidian can also take on other colors or form patterns. The best-known examples of these are snowflake obsidian, mahogany obsidian, or silver obsidian. But it can also lead to the beautiful slats and cobweb obsidian. This bag contains 950 grams of stones, most of which measure between 1 and 2 cm.

Popular Utensil

Due to its glass-like structure and sharp-edged cleavage, obsidian has been a popular rock for making arrowheads and sharp tools since ancient times. Obsidian utensils have been found on all continents. Ornaments and ornaments have also been found among the ancient Aztecs and the ancient Greeks were the first to make obsidian mirrors.

grounding stone

Obsidian is a grounding stone. It keeps you grounded and offers a balance between spirituality and the physical Earth reality. Carry obsidian with you for a continuous stream of earthly energy. Obsidian promotes clarity of mind and sharpens senses. This stone brings you insight and acceptance of the dark part of your character.

Product information
Article code OBS500
EAN 8784765472150
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