Emerald green garnet

Uvarovite is the rarest and the only consistent green garnet of the grossular family. It is a popular gem among lovers. Read more.

Uvarovite is the rarest and the only consistent green garnet of the grossular family. It is a popular gem among lovers.

EUR 29,95

Uvarovite is the rarest and the only consistent green garnet of the grossular family. It is a popular gem among lovers.

EUR 29,95

Uvarovite is the rarest and the only consistent green garnet of the grossular family. It is a popular gem among lovers.

EUR 29,95

Uvarovite is the rarest and the only consistent green garnet of the grossular family. It is a popular gem among lovers.

EUR 29,95

Uvarovite is the rarest and the only consistent green garnet of the grossular family. It is a popular gem among lovers.

EUR 29,95

Uvarovite is the rarest and the only consistent green garnet of the grossular family. It is a popular gem among lovers.

EUR 29,95

Uvarovite is the rarest and the only consistent green garnet of the grossular family. It is a popular gem among lovers.

EUR 29,95

It is a popular gem among lovers.

Rarest grenade

Uvarovite belongs to the garnets family and is the rarest of its kind. It is the only garnet with a consistent emerald green color. The beautiful color and fine crystals make it a highly sought-after gemstone that is often used in beautiful jewelry and is popular to give to a loved one.

Naming of Uvarovite

Uvarovite was discovered in 1832 by Germain Henri Hess. He named his special find after Sergei Semenovich Uvarov (1765-1855). A Russian statesman with a passion for collecting minerals.

Effect of uvarovite

Uvarovite has an intense energy and promotes prosperity. It helps you learn to accept what the universe has to offer. He frees your energy channels, increasing the chance that you can accept the available wealth.

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