Nuummite the soucerer stone

Nuumite is a rare mineral known as Wizard's Stone. With beautiful green and blue sparkles, it is an enchanting stone. Read more.

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 29,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 29,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 29,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 29,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

Nuummite, soucerer stone from Greenland. This stone is used in the spiritual world for healings.

EUR 19,95

What is Nuummite?

Nuummite is a rare metamorphic rock primarily composed of amphibole minerals gedrite and anthophyllite. It is named after the Nuuk region in Greenland, where it was discovered. This rock is about 2.8 billion years old, making it one of the oldest rocks on Earth. The discovery of nuummite dates back to the year 1810 by mineralogist K. L. Giesecke, but it was scientifically defined between 1905 and 1924 by O. B. Bøggild.

Characteristics of Nuummite

Nuummite is usually black in color and opaque. The distinctive feature of nuummite is the iridescence (color change) caused by the lamellae of the minerals gedrite and anthophyllite. Other minerals that can be found in nuummite include pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite, which form shimmering yellow bands in polished specimens. The rock was formed by two successive metamorphic overprints of an original igneous rock around 2800 million years ago.

Metamorphic Overprints Explained

The term "metamorphic overprint" refers to the changes a rock undergoes when exposed to different conditions such as temperature, pressure, or chemical environment, after its original formation. In the case of nuummite, the rock has undergone two successive metamorphic overprints, meaning it was transformed twice by metamorphic processes since its original igneous formation.

What are Metamorphic Rocks?

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been transformed from an existing rock, either igneous rock or sedimentary rock, by processes within the Earth's crust under varying conditions of temperature, pressure, and chemical environment. During the metamorphic process, the mineralogical and textural characteristics of the original rock may change, resulting in the formation of a new rock.

Authenticity of Nuummite

There are many rock types in circulation that strongly resemble nuummite or have a partially similar composition. However, only the nuummite from Greenland is considered to be genuine nuummite. It's important to be cautious when purchasing nuummite, to ensure it's authentic, especially given the rarity and the spiritual value attributed to this stone. At the Amber Specialist, we only offer the genuine nuummite from Greenland under this name!


Nuummite is seen as a stone with strong ties to the wild nature and natural energies. Especially in urban areas, the stone can help restore the connection with nature. In the spiritual world, nuummite is used for healing, divination, and soul retrieval. The stone is said to form a protective shield around the aura and break negative connections. The iridescence of the stone is also associated with deeper insights and revealing what is hidden. The spiritual properties of nuummite can also assist with personal transformation and the release of old patterns that hinder growth.

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