Rare vayrynenite crystal

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high vibration that supports the energy levels. Read more.

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Vayrynenite is a very rare crystal. It has pink prismatic crystals is mainly found in Pakistan. The crystal has a high v...

EUR 29,95

Crystal with a Finnish name

Vayrynenite, like jeremejevite, is a very rare crystal. It is a phosphate of manganese and beryllium and was first described in 1954 by a find in Viitaniemi (Finland). The mineral is named after mineralogist Heikki Allan Väyrynen, a professor of mineralogy at Helsinki Technical High School

Crystal formation

Vayrynenite is found only on a very small scale and can form transparent to translucent to pink prismatic crystals, although crystal formation is the exception rather than the rule. The finest vayrynenite is found in Pakistan.

High vibration

Vayrynenite is a high-vibration crystal and supports your energy levels. This enables you to come up with new ideas and insights. It is a perfect crystal to support creativity during artistic endeavours or to come up with innovative solutions.

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