Sodalite the blue 'poor man's Lapis'

Sodalite is a beautiful blue mineral with white or orange calcite veins. The name Sodalite is derived from 'Soda' or Sodium. Read more.

Sodalite is a beautiful blue mineral with white and / or orange calcite veins. It helps develop your own ideals and unde...

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Bowl from sodalite with handstones of aventurin and rock crystal

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Bowl from sodalite with handstones of aventurin and rock crystal

EUR 19,95

Blue Sodalite with white calcite veins

Sodalite is a beautiful blue mineral, often with white or orange calcite veins. The name Sodalite is derived from 'Soda' or Sodium. Sodalite looks pretty much like Lapis Lazuli, though the color is slightly less blue and there is no occurrence of pyrite in the stone. However Sodalite is a lot more affordable than Lapis!

Sodalite and UV

When sodalite is lit with a UV lamp, the stone lights up slightly orange. Sodalite is found in various places in the world. The best known deposits are in Bolivia, Brazil and Namibia. The stone is almost always found as a solid. Crystals are rare.

Spiritual meaning of sodalite

Sodalite gives a deeper spiritual understanding of the truth and idealism. It helps to develop your own ideals and understanding the deeper philosophical meanings. The stone gives peace and helps with logical reasoning.

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