Carnelian the orange chalcedony

Carnelian is the orange variety of chalcedony and is known for its beautiful intense color. Carnelian makes you cheerful and gives you focus when you have difficulty concentrating. Read more.

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Beautiful orogonite pendant with carnelian and a Hamsa hand. This orogonite heals your aura.

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Beautiful penant of carnelian, the stone that heals your aura.

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Carnnelian, blood agate and sard

Carnelian is the orange variety of chalcedony and belongs to the quartz group. The colour varies between yellow, brown, orange and dark red. The darker brown variety is known as sard. Carnelian is also called blood agate.

For 5,000 years a popular gemstone

Carnelian has been a beloved gem for centuries. 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians were already fond of it. They made jewellery and amulets of carnelean for protection and health. The dead were also regularly given a piece of carnelean to facilitate the transition from the soul to the realm of the dead.


The name Carnelian comes from the Latin word: 'Carnis' meaning 'flesh', referring to the fleshy colour of the gemstone. This colour is caused by the presence of iron in the mineral. Carnelian can be translucent or opaque.

Working of carnelean

Carnelian is a stone that makes you happy. The stone can help with chronic fatigue and provides new positive energy. Ideal to focus again in case of concentration problems. Carnelian provides a practical view of things.

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