Fossils of the trilobite

Trilobites for sale, very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs! The last trilobites became extinct 250 million years ago. Read more.

Phacops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 49,95

Phacops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 29,95

Phacops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 39,95

Phacops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 29,95

Phacops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 29,95

Phacops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 19,95

Phacops trilobite from Morocco. Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. The last trilobites bec...

EUR 29,95

Ancient fossils

Trilobites are very old fossils that lived before the dinosaurs. They appeared in the Cambrian (520 million years ago) and became extinct towards the end of the Permian (250 million years ago). In the 270 million years that these animals lived on Earth, they were very successful and numerous species evolved. 


The Trilobites belonged to the arthropods and lived under water. The name Trilobite is derived from the three-lobed structure of the exoskeleton which always has a raised central lobe and two lateral lobes. Lengthwise, the trilobite also consists of three parts: the head, the central region (thorax) and a tail plate. 


A total of 17,000 different trilobites in 9 orders have been described. All trilobites had an exoskeleton of chalk. It is this skeleton that has been fossilised and found today. Please note! Fossils are fragile, the trilobites may have been prepared.

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