Unopened shell of 150 million years old from Madagascar. A shell that hasn't given up its secrets yet! Beautifully polished. Read more.
Wooden treasure box with various fossils from Morocco, Brachiopods (shells), Gastropods (snail shells), black ammonite fragments, sea urchin, Orthoceras and Crinoid.
Bivalve fossil
This shell sank to the seabed unopened about 150 million years ago and was covered by various layers of sediment, slowly turning the shell into a fossil. The shell belongs to the class 'bivalvia' or bivalve. These shells can still be found in the sea today. Think, for example, of the mussel or the cockle.
150 million year old mystery
After 150 million years, these fossil shells have resurfaced in Madagascar with the two shells still firmly attached to each other. This gives the whole a mysterious touch. A shell that has not given up its secrets after all these years. The outside is polished to show the shell structure.