Hardened mud

Septarian consists of different minerals and forms different patterns. This makes each stone unique Read more.

Septarian consists of different minerals and always forms different patterns. This makes every stone unique.

EUR 69,95

Septarian consists of different minerals and always forms different patterns. This makes every stone unique.

EUR 39,95

Septarian consists of different minerals and always forms different patterns. This makes every stone unique.

EUR 29,95

Septarian consists of different minerals and always forms different patterns. This makes every stone unique.

EUR 29,95

Septarian consists of different minerals and always forms different patterns. This makes every stone unique.

EUR 79,95

Septarian consists of different minerals and always forms different patterns. This makes every stone unique.

EUR 19,95

Septarian consists of different minerals and always forms different patterns. This makes every stone unique.

EUR 19,95

Septarian consists of different minerals and always forms different patterns. This makes every stone unique.

EUR 79,95

Dragon stone

Septarian is formed by drying out clumps of mud. The resulting shrinkage cracks were filled with calcite. The white calcite stands out nicely against the often dark background and is therefore also called 'dragon stone'.

Popular finding sites

Although septarian is found all over the world, the most popular sites are in Morocco and Madagascar. Septarian is always formed in the same way, but they look very different at each finding site. Actually, there is never a septarian exactly the same, not even when found at the same location.

Morocco septarian

The Moroccan septarian is dark in colour in which the cracks are mostly filled with white calcite in circular patterns. It is not uncommon to find pyrite in the septarian.

Septarian from Madagascar

Madagascar's Septarian is light brown in colour with dark lines. These are formed by aragonite. Calcite often occurs inside. The septary from Madagascar also regularly contains fossils that were stuck in the mud.

Working of Septarian

Septarian helps to find balance in daily life and to tackle challenges. Are you too much concerned with others or social media? Let septarian help to find a balance. The stone works grounding and puts you with both feet on the ground.

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