Petrified wood from Madagascar, Indonesia and USA, beautiful slabs, handstones and spheres of millions of years old! Read more.
Petrified wood from Madagascar, beautiful piece where the original wood structure is still visible. 220 million years ol...
Petrified wood from Madagascar, beautiful round polished piece where the original wood structure is still visible. 220 m...
Petrified wood from Madagascar, beautiful piece where the original wood structure is still visible. 220 million years ol...
Petrified wood from Madagascar, beautiful piece where the original wood structure is still visible. 220 million years ol...
Petrified wood from Indonesia, beautiful piece where the original wood structure is still visible. 20 million years old!
"Petrified wood" or "fossil wood is a stone that originated from trees that have fallen under thick layers of volcanic ash.
Fill the timber cells by minerals
The ash contains many minerals that slowly dissolve into the groundwater. Because the trees are no longer in contact with oxygen rotten wood is not as fast as normal. The groundwater soaked tree in the meantime with minerals where they are deposited in the wood cells. Decays slowly but surely the timber and take the place of the minerals in the wood cells.
Fossil imprint
The fossilisatieproces goes very slowly so that the structure of the wood remains perfectly preserved in minerals. Petrified wood does not contain any real wood, but only the tree print formed by minerals. These pieces are from Madagascar to 220 million years old!