Fossil plant from Solnhofen Germany

Fossil plant found in Solnhofen Germany, approximately 150 million years old. Belongs to the fossil genus Brachyphyllum nepos. A rarity in the region. Read more.

Fossil plant found in Solnhofen Germany about 150 million years old. Belongs to the fossil genus Brachyphyllum nepos. A ...

EUR 67,46
EUR 89,95

Brachyphyllum nepos

This special fossil plant was found near Solnhofen in Germany. This area is known for its variety of fossils. However, fossil plants are a rarity. This plant belongs to the coniferous genus Brachyphyllum that is no longer found in the world.

150 million years old

This plant grew in the late Jurassic in the Tithonian period (152 - 145 million years ago) at the time of the dinosaurs. Chances are that it was on the menu of a number of large grazers from this time. The plant has been restored where necessary to make it look good.

Solnhofen Germany

In the Altmühltal in Germany there are several limestone quarries. In the middle of this area is the village of Solnhofen. The limestone in the area got its name from this village. In reality there are limestone quarries over tens of kilometres. The chance to find fossils here is not very big. However, finds from the area come regularly because of the large scale of industrial limestone extraction. This is mainly used for house building, sculpture or as decoration stone.

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