
Diopside tumble stone, this stone makes room for friendship and teaches you to enjoy every moment.

EUR 5,95

Beautiful Gila Jasper from Arizona USA. A powerful jasper species that will protect you during all forms of travel.

EUR 5,95

Beautiful Gila Jasper from Arizona USA. A powerful jasper species that will protect you during all forms of travel.

EUR 5,95

Beautiful malachite. Beautiful green in color, from Congo.

EUR 7,95

Polychrome jasper was first found in 2006 in the Norcross-Madagascar desert. There is only a small area where this color...

EUR 29,95

Beautiful pendant of baltic amber

EUR 14,95

Beautiful pendant of baltic amber

EUR 14,95

Beautiful pendant of baltic amber

EUR 14,95

Beautiful pendant of baltic amber

EUR 14,95

Three nice handmade animal figures from Peru. Artfully crafted from soapstone with great detail and colour. Wide choice ...

EUR 19,95

Beautiful fluorite sphere from China. This stone is very suitable for meditation and allows time travel during this medi...

EUR 39,95

Beautiful landscape jasper from Germany. A fine meditation stone that brings you into contact with your inner self and w...

EUR 6,95

Beautiful landscape jasper from Germany. A fine meditation stone that brings you into contact with your inner self and w...

EUR 9,95

Standard for meteorite slices, agate slabs, ammonites or other flat objects. 6x10x7cm

EUR 2,95

Beautiful agate slices from Africa, the red variety comes from Morocco, the blue variety comes from Mali.

EUR 14,95

Water agate can contain liquid inclusions, which are very small and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

EUR 9,95

Obsidian is natural glass made from rapidly cooling lava. It has been used for centuries by all great civilisations.

EUR 12,95

Beautiful obelisk of agate from Brazil

EUR 19,95

Beautiful obelisk of agate from Brazil. This obelisk has a beautiful blue color, this is colored and not natural.

EUR 19,95

Decorative handmade jasper mushroom. Ideal for meditation or decoration at home. Jasper has a positive mood and gives fa...

EUR 39,95

Beautiful obelisk of agate from Brazil. This obelisk has a beautiful blue color, this is colored and not natural.

EUR 19,95

Seraphinite for sale, the mineral with angel wings. found in eastern Siberia, Russia

EUR 29,95

Seraphinite for sale, the mineral with angel wings. found in eastern Siberia, Russia

EUR 29,95

Beautifully finished gemstone massage wands. Ideal for a relaxing gemstone or pressure point massage, 10 cm

EUR 14,95
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