The orthoceras lived about 400 million years ago and is the forerunner of our current squid.
Obsidian is natural glass made from rapidly cooling lava. It has been used for centuries by all great civilisations.
Serpentine, with its green colour reminiscent of a snake, has been popular for centuries for making decorative objects a...
Serpentine, with its green colour reminiscent of a snake, has been popular for centuries for making decorative objects a...
Serpentine, with its green colour reminiscent of a snake, has been popular for centuries for making decorative objects a...
Thomsonite from Nashik, India, known for its orange colour combined with mesolite crystals. The mineral has a purifying ...
Thomsonite from Nashik, India, known for its orange colour combined with mesolite crystals. The mineral has a purifying ...
Labradorite for sale with beautiful colors from Madagascar. Beautiful mineral with many color nuances