
Beautiful bright yellow apatite of gem quality. Rough pieces with a clearly visible crystal shape

EUR 14,95

Beautiful pendant of baltic amber

EUR 14,95

Beautiful pendant of baltic amber

EUR 14,95

Beautiful landscape jasper from Germany. A fine meditation stone that brings you into contact with your inner self and w...

EUR 6,95

Beautiful landscape jasper from Germany. A fine meditation stone that brings you into contact with your inner self and w...

EUR 7,95

Beautiful landscape jasper from Germany. A fine meditation stone that brings you into contact with your inner self and w...

EUR 9,95

Beautiful landscape jasper from Germany. A fine meditation stone that brings you into contact with your inner self and w...

EUR 9,95

Beautiful tourmaline quartz, a combination of black tourmaline and rock crystal

EUR 19,95

Water agate can contain liquid inclusions, which are very small and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

EUR 9,95

Beautiful pendant of Astrophyllite from Greenland, in silver.

EUR 159,95

Obsidian is natural glass made from rapidly cooling lava. It has been used for centuries by all great civilisations.

EUR 14,95

Aventurine is a quartz variant with various inclusions that give color to the stone. It is a calming stone and beloved m...

EUR 8,95

Dendrite is a crystal form reminiscent of the branches of a tree. Formed by manganese-containing minerals. Dendrite is o...

EUR 199,95
EUR 249,95

Beautiful silver pendant of a Unicorn on a leather cord. The pendant measures 2.5 x 1.2 cm and weighs approximately 1.8 ...

EUR 12,95

Beautiful silver pendant Wicca on a leather cord. The pendant measures 3 x 2.5 cm and weighs approximately 2 grams.

EUR 19,95

Beautiful silver pendant from Cernunnos on a leather cord. The pendant has a size of 2.5 cm and weighs about 4.4 grams.

EUR 24,95

Beautiful obelisk of agate from Brazil. This obelisk has a beautiful blue color, this is colored and not natural.

EUR 29,95

Beautiful obelisk of agate from Brazil

EUR 29,95

The spinel gemstone comes in many different colors and has excellent durability. It is called the stone of immortality. ...

EUR 8,95

The orthoceras lived about 400 million years ago and is the forerunner of our current squid.

EUR 29,95

Beautifully finished gemstone massage wands. Ideal for a relaxing gemstone or pressure point massage, 10 cm

EUR 14,95

Beautiful obelisk of agate from Brazil

EUR 19,95

Handmade skull with a unique personality. Ideal for meditation, healing and energetic work or as decoration.

EUR 59,95

Handmade skull with a unique personality. Ideal for meditation, healing and energetic work or as decoration.

EUR 99,95
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