This Lapis Lazuli is beautiful blue in color with gold speckled pyrite and white calcite. Lapis Lazuli is a very spiritu...
The orthoceras lived about 400 million years ago and is the forerunner of our current squid.
This is a tooth of the extinct Megalodon shark. This giant could reach a length of 18 meters!
Tangerine quartz from Brazil, the crystal that will free the inner child in you.
Very special fluorite that changes from green to purple under the UV radiation of daylight! A fantastic phenomenon that ...
Hyalite opal is a rare gemstone that glows bright green under a UV lamp. It has a positive effect on concentration, comm...
Hyalite opal is a rare gemstone that glows bright green under a UV lamp. It has a positive effect on concentration, comm...
Hemimorphite is a zinc ore with unique hemimorphic crystal formations and a beautiful sea-blue color. The mineral stands...
Dumortierite is a striking blue-purple mineral. Read about its historical significance and spiritual benefits for stress...
Pink amethyst tumbled stones from Brazil. The hematite compounds in the chalcedony provide the pink colour.
Small pieces of meteorite with large olivine crystals surrounded by an oxidised metal layer. A recently discovered palla...
This meditation set is used to give the meditation more power and create a relaxing environment
Tiger eye from South Africa. Tiger's eye is widely used in the spiritual world. The stone helps with headaches and migra...
Aquamarine is the Sea Blue variant of Beril. A beloved gemstone and protector of seafarers for centuries.
Rhodochrosite is known for its beautiful soft pink color. This typical color is caused by a manganese compound.
Eldarite, kambaba jasper or crocodile jasper is a green and black stone found in Madagascar. It has a strong connection ...
Fairy stones are special formations of flat round stones with unique patterns and are found in Quebec Canada.
Tooth of a Carcharodontosaurus, this was a large carnivorous dinosaur that lived about 100 million years ago near presen...